
Ministry at Holy Trinity Christian Church is diverse and goes beyound the traditional Sunday worship service.

Sunday Worship Service

Sunday, 10:20 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Music and worship songs, sermon, common ptayer and sharing of food are important elements in our Sunday worship service.

Sunday Bible Lesson

Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 p.m.

Arround a table we study a chapter from the Bible every Sunday. Everyone can participate with questions and answers, and partake in discussion.

Small Groups

Small groups are for participants in a smaller circle. The purpose of every group is to build spiritually it’s members and to create opportunities for dialogue.

Sunday School for Children

The most precious event for the children at our church is the Sunday school. There they can play together but also be introduced to the Christian Faith while they participate in the sharing of different Bible stories.

Ministering to Children with Special Needs

Църква „Света Троица“ съвместно с Фондация „Нови стъпки“ служи на семействата с деца със специални образователни потребности.